Sparkle Cosmetic Clinics

Hollywood Smile And Veneres


What Is A Hollywood Smile?

The Hollywood Smile is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that corrects all aesthetic problems related to the smile. The procedure focuses on the use of dental veneers to hide all dental problems. From discoloration to chipping, and misalignments. The results are very natural looking and have extensive longevity.

A lot of people assume that the Hollywood Smile is a practice popular in our generation. But the truth is that modern veneers first started in the 1920s. While at the time they weren’t nearly half as efficient as they are now; a lot of celebrities used to sport them on set. In the beginning, the Hollywood dental procedure was just a temporary set of veneers. But over time, dentists found a way to make this makeover long-lasting and that was a game-changer.

How Does The Procedure Work?

Veneers are thin shells that resemble the front side of the teeth structure-wise. Except they are flawless and perfect. Your dentist will place these veneers on your teeth and this will hide away all the mishaps whatever they are.

In order to put the structures in place, your dentist will file down your teeth and remove the enamel layer. This creates room for the veneers to be secured on the tooth. Using a gluing material, your dentist will secure the veneers on your teeth creating an exterior of perfection.

The veneers are not standard and a thorough process of personalization has to take place to make the perfect set of teeth for you. This means, that before making your veneers, your dental team will take impressions of your mouth. We will talk about the design process in detail below.

Before commencing with veneer placement, your doctor will generally practice general dentistry to check for any cavities or inflammation. If you have cavities you might have to go through root canals to correct the damage before commencing the treatment.

The procedure occurs under local anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Hollywood Smile Design Process

To make sure you feel comfortable wearing your veneers, your dental team must invest a lot of time and resources into taking impressions of your mouth. Luckily with modern treatments, this is no longer a time-consuming task.

With the CAD/CAM technology; you can get the most comfortable fit for your set of veneers. This technology uses a smart camera connected to a computer as well as a 3D printer.

The camera will take footage of your mouth from the inside as well as the outside. The software takes this input and uses it to design ideal veneers for you.

Once the software settles on a design, it immediately prints the veneers out. You should note that this technology only works with ceramic or porcelain veneers.

It is very important that you get the right fit for your Hollywood smile because it can affect your oral health. Ill-fitting veneers can harm your gums and cause inflammation. Likewise, they can make your hard difficult since you cannot chew or speak properly wearing them. Never compromise quality for cheap costs. because in the long run, it will do more harm than good.

Aftercare For Hollywood Smile

Most of the aftercare for Hollywood Smile has to do with preventive dental care. To keep the pearly glow of a Hollywood Smile you have to maintain healthy oral hygiene. You have to floss and brush your teeth at least twice daily. It would help if you also made sure there are no food particles stuck in between the structures because this can lead to inflammation, pain, and discomfort. Furthermore, it can affect the veneers. You can also use an antibacterial mouthwash to keep your smile in good shape.

A lot of people assume that since the veneers are ceramic, dental care is no longer necessary. But part of keeping your veneers for a long time is making sure the tissue around it is healthy.

Benefits Of Hollywood Smile

  • Boosts your confidence and rids you of self-doubt.
  • Enhances your social life and allows you to prosper socially and professionally.
  • Natural results of a pearly smile.
  • Long-lasting

Results Of A Hollywood Smile

Results are immediate and natural-looking. You will notice a drastic transformation in various aspects of your smile. From the alignment of your teeth to their pearly glow and perfect measurements.

If you take care of your Hollywood Smile, the results can last for up to a decade or a decade and a half.

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